Matthew Timms, “Is unconditional basic income the reform Europe needs?"

SUMMARY: Europe’s inflexible labour markets are in need of a structural overhaul, which can perhaps be found in the shape of an unconditional basic income. With many commentators calling for widespread reform, members of the EU parliament have a busy year ahead. Could unconditional basic income be exactly what the union needs to boost employment and reduce poverty?

Matthew Timms, “Is unconditional basic income the reform Europe needs?European CEO. January 29th, 2014.

-Europen CEO

-Europen CEO

Frances Fox Piven, “Extreme Poverty Has Been Used to Divide and Terrify Working People for Centuries

Image: HarperCollins

Image: HarperCollins

SUMMARY: In this excerpted chapter, scholar Frances Fox Piven argues that the guarantee of a universal income would facilitate a new economic fairness and stability to a financial system careening out of control. This article is an excerpt from her chapter in a book entitled, Imagine Living in a Socialist USA, a new book from edited by Frances Goldin, Debby Smith and Michael Steven Smith; published by HarperCollins, 2014.

Frances Fox Piven, “Extreme Poverty Has Been Used to Divide and Terrify Working People for Centuries,” TruthOut. 23 February 2014.

Graham Kent, “The Necessities of the Soul”


Graham Kent is a creator/writer, producer, and actor. His work includes commercials, television, and short and feature-length films. Source: The BIG Push Campaign

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: In this post the author argues that a basic income would allow artists to focus on creativity and fulfilment instead of necessities such as food and shelter.

Graham Kent, “The Necessities of the Soul”, The Big Push Campaign, January 2014