
The original English article here by by Pierre Piquemal

Translated by Yoshihiro Norikane

Edited by Toru Yamamori


2019年2月、当時のストックトン市長マイケルD・タブス(Michael D. Tubbs)は、米国最初の市長主導の24か月に亘る保証付き所得イニシアチブとして、ストックトン経済エンパワーメントデモンストレーション(「SEED」)を開始しました。 2年後、実験の最初の12か月間(コロナ禍前の2020年2月まで)の予備的結果が発表されました。その主な調査結果は、この保証された所得に肯定的なものであり、保証所得は、収入の変動を軽減し、フルタイムの仕事へのアクセスを可能にし、メンタルヘルスを向上させ、自分の時間と決断をより良く管理できるようにするというものでした。




このプログラムは、テネシー大学のスタシア・マーチン‐ウエスト(Stacia Martin-West)博士とペンシルベニア大学のアーミー・カストロ・ベーカー(Amy Castro Baker)博士の2人の研究者によって、実験前および実験中に収集されたデータの定量的分析と定性的分析の両方からなる「混合法アプローチ」の下で評価されています。データは、調査と対面またはグループインタビューの両方を通して収集されました(実験への参加は、これらのインタビューへの参加を条件とはしていませんでした)。





最後に、このプログラムはフルタイムの雇用増加にもつながりました。プロジェクトの開始時には、受給者の28%がフルタイムの仕事をしていました。 1年後、その割合は40%に上昇しました(対照群においては、割合は32%から37%にしか変化しませんでした)。いくらかの人々は、保証所得により、学位を取得または修了する時間が与えられた、あるいは単に特定の職に応募する自信が増したと述べました。




とにかく、これらの結果は、米国のベーシックインカムについての議論の高まりに確実に追加されます。 他の実験も進行中であり、2020年6月、マイケル・タブスと「経済保障プロジェクト」は、都市での保証所得実験の実施に向けて取り組んでいる全米の約40人の市長のネットワークである「保証所得市長会」を設立しました。


「探訪ベーシックインカム(Expedition Basic Income)」がドイツで大規模なUBI実験を行うため草の根キャンペーンに打ち出した

The original English article here by Sarah Delahaye.

Translated by Ryoko Inoue

Edited by Yoshihiro Norikane and Toru Yamamori


「探訪ベーシックインカム」は、2月の終わりに「Bring Basic Income To The State」というキャンペーンを開始し、「探訪ベーシックインカム」のウェブサイトやメーリングリスト、ドイツのUBIコミュニティに属する諸団体、ソーシャルメディア、新聞などを経由して、全てのドイツ市民に向けてとある質問を拡散した。







「探訪ベーシックインカム」は2019年に、UBI支持者であるJoy Ponader氏とLaura Brämswig氏によって創設された。彼らの目標は、ドイツで初の公的融資によるUBI実験を、ベーシックインカムに熱中していたり関心を持っていたりする全ての人々と共に、始めることである。今回の全国キャンペーンが彼らの初めての試みというわけではなく、以前から「探訪ベーシックインカム」は同様の取り組みをドイツの首都であるベルリンを含むいくつかの州で始めており、ベルリンでは2020年の秋に、地域実験に対して30,000人以上の市民の署名が集まった。




South Korea: The report on Youth Basic Income in Gyeonggi Province

Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, has been implementing the Youth Basic Income (YBI) programme since April 1, 2019. The English edition of the report on the project was published in July and can be accessed here.

The following is a short introduction by Ikjin Yu, Researcher at Gyeonggi Research Institute, Dept. of Economic & Social Policy.

Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, has been implementing the Youth Basic Income (YBI) programme since April 1, 2019. In December 2020, Gyeonggi Research Institute (GRI), an affiliated organisation of Gyeonggi Province, published a research report (Korean version), focusing on the first year result of the YBI programme. Recently, in July 2021, GRI has published its English version.

This research report mainly consists of quantitative and qualitative analyses.

For quantitative analysis, the experimental group comprised 11,335 recipients who participated in both the ex-ante and ex-post surveys, whereas the comparison group included 800 respondents who resided in regions other than Gyeonggi Province. There were five categories for analysis such as “happiness”, “health and diet”, “perceptions and attitudes”, “economic activity” and “dream-capital”. The results of the Difference-In-Differences (DID) analysis showed that Gyeonggi YBI positively influenced on their happiness, mental health, workout frequency, diet, perception on gender and equal society, dream-capital, economic activity, time use and so forth.

For qualitative analysis, participants of individual interviews and focus group interviews (FGI) were variously grouped by detailed category. It was conducted on 24-year-olds residing in Gyeonggi Province only who received four rounds of Gyeonggi YBI. A total of 42 participated in the individual interviews and the FGIs. The analysis shows many things regarding Gyeonggi 24-year-olds’ perception of Gyeonggi YBI and basic income itself.

The research report concluded that the Gyeonggi YBI has positively influenced on the 24-year- old youths’ life in various aspects based on the recipients’ experience over the past one year.

Video: English version of popular UBI video now available

Video: English version of popular UBI video now available

A popular 5-minute introductory video on Basic Income, in English, is now online.

The video was originally made in Spanish, produced by Atxe, a Spanish artist, as a project for Red Renta Basica, the Spanish affiliation of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), 2 years ago. It gathered a great success reaching more than 5 million people. [1]

Carlos Arias, an activist of the Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), took the initiative to make an English version, which is now available online. Narration in English was done by Barb Jacobson, former chair of UBIE.

On this occasion, we had a short interview with Atxe to show our respect to the artist who made the probably most watched video on UBI:

– How you were involved in making the video?

Atxe: Basic income is something that has been of my interest for a long time. I had previously done this kind of videos – for instance, on the TTIP – and David Casassas, as a member of Red Renta Básica, suggested me to make one explaining the main ideas that association defends.

– How you do you think of great success of the video?

Atxe: I think basic income is a proposal that creates a lot of controversy and, either you like it or not, it shakes you up. The video deals with issues and problems that speak to a large number of people and that leave you everything but indifferent – especially in Spain, where we are intensely suffering the blow of the crisis. Also, I tried to make a fun and entertaining video, which, I suppose, helped too. I must add to all this that the dissemination campaign we did in social networks – many members of Red Renta Básica and other companions actively participated in it – ended up being really successful – the video became a trending topic fast and kept this position during almost two days.

– What do you think of the idea of UBI?

Atxe: In addition to all the benefits the video talks about and that every basic income supporter knows, basic income is today more relevant than ever because it can break the fear that permeates a large part of our societies. It is a fear that too many times is translated into fuel for the rise of the far-right, and basic income could put an end to this tendency.

[1]  5,423,641 visitors between 22 February 2017 and 30 January 2019 (data provided by Carlos Arias, a Facebook page administrator of Renta Básica Universal)

This article was reviewed by André Coelho.

Europe: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income

Europe: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income

The Green European Foundation (GEF) has published its report on UBI: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income, on 18th February 2019.

GEF is one of the ‘political foundations at European level’ (a.k.a. Eurofoundations) that are research and advocacy organisations funded by the European Parliament.

GEF ran a project ‘Basic Income for all EU citizens?’ for the past two years (2017-2018). This report is one of its outcomes. The report’s forewords by Susanne Rieger and Ville Ylikahri outlines the aim of the project: ‘investigating the [UBI] proposal’s potential in relation to employment, the recognition of work beyond paid work, and the gendered division of the labour’ (p.5). This threefold aim is in sharp contrast to the narrow focus of the Finnish Government experiment run concurrently with the GEF’s project. The Finnish Government only focused on employment and paid no attention to unpaid work and the gender division of labour.

The report contains the accessible introduction, ‘Twelve Questions and Answers on Universal Basic Income’ by Natalie Bennet, a former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales. It is followed by 9 substantial articles. The report’s concluding chapter evaluates the EU-wide UBI proposal from ‘Social Europe’ perspective.

GEF continues to work on UBI with its new project ‘Basic Income – European Public Debate’.

You can access PDF of the report or order a hardcopy here.

Image: GEF’s report on UBI,  from GEF’s homepage.

Article reviewed by Russel Ingram.