Members of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) have made two proposals to Change BIEN’s description of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) on BIEN’s website and in its statutes.

BIEN’s current statutes describe UBI as, “an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work.”

A motion by Lieselotte Wohlgenannt and others proposes to add a fourth characteristic:

“which secures a livelihood (material existence) and enables participation in the political community (country) for everyone, to the existing three characteristic,
-which is granted to all on an individual basis by law,
-without means test and
-without obligation to work or for services in return.”

A motion by Louise Haagh proposes several options. The first adds another characteristics to the description: “an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, paid regularly and for life, without means test or work requirement.”

An second option keeps the definition the same, but adds a line explaining that BIEN supports a level “at least sufficient to meet living standards compatible with sustainable nutrition and health and a life of dignity.”

Another option defines a full UBI as one that large and a partial UBI as one below that level.

The full texts of both proposals are online at these links:

Basic Income