Fred Block, one of the founding members of the USBIG Network, has resigned from the USBIG Committee and joined the USBIG Board of Advisors. He will be taking a less active role in USBIG, but he will still be giving us the benefit of his great experience. Block is professor of sociology at the University of California-Davis. He has written many books and articles, such as Free Market Utopianism: From Market Fundamentalism to the Reality of Society, with Margaret Somers (Harvard University Press, forthcoming), The Vampire State and Other Myths and Fallacies about the U.S. Economy. (New Press, 1996), Postindustrial Possibilities: A Critique of Economic Discourse (University of California Press, 1990), The Mean Season: The Attack on the Welfare State, with Richard A. Cloward, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Frances Fox Piven (Pantheon, 1987). His publications on the basic income guarantee include, “In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law” with Margaret Somers (Politics & Society, 2003), “Reforming the Labor Market Through Guaranteed Incomes: A U.S. Perspective,” with Jeff Manza (Employment and Unemployment, 1998), and “Could We Eliminate Poverty in a Postindustrial Society?: The Case for a Progressive Negative Income Tax,” with Jeff Manza (Politics & Society, 1997).